The Button Friends area bunch of buddies who go on some on extraordinary adventures across the globe. What sets them apart is that they're not your typical friends – they've been uniquely brought to life through the magic of coding. Imagine the excitement! This means that you have the power to craft these friends on your own, envisioning and coding new friends and exciting adventures. Indeed, it's an achievable feat, and our collection of books is here to guide you through the process. Take a peek and dive into the world of creation!


The Button Friends

Explore Our Books


Book 1
The Button Friends are created.


Book 2
The Button Friends in Wales.


Book 3
The Button Friends in Scotland.


Book 4
The Button friends in Ireland.


Book 5
The Button Friends in Tasmania.


Book 6
The Button Friends in India.


Teacher Manual 1
Book 1: Draw with Code


Teacher Manual 2
Book 2: Book to come.


Teacher Manual 3
Book 3: Book to come.


Teacher Manual 4
Book 4: Book to come.


Teacher Manual 5
Book 5: Book to come.


Teacher Manual 6
Book 6: Book to come.


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Custom Cake
Ipsum ipsum clita erat amet dolor sit justo sea eirmod diam stet sit justo


Custom Cake
Ipsum ipsum clita erat amet dolor sit justo sea eirmod diam stet sit justo


Custom Cake
Ipsum ipsum clita erat amet dolor sit justo sea eirmod diam stet sit justo


Custom Cake
Ipsum ipsum clita erat amet dolor sit justo sea eirmod diam stet sit justo


Custom Cake
Ipsum ipsum clita erat amet dolor sit justo sea eirmod diam stet sit justo

Children's Books

The Button Friends is a series of children's adventure stories. The books feature the adventures of a group of young Button Friends – Bobbi, Daisy and Ben. These friends go on a surfing trip to Wales, in a campervan to Scotland, picking blackberries in Ireland, to an animal sanctuary in Tasmania and other exciting places.

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Teacher's Books

When it comes to computer programming, many primary school teachers worry that their pupils know more about IT than they do and for many, having to program really frightens them. If this sounds familiar, give this book a try as it is all about helping primary school teachers to grow their confidence to teach programming.

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The idea for the Button Friends emerged during COVID-19 lockdown. We had just discovered p5.js and were all having lots of fun coding different designs. These designs have grown into the Button Friends. So much, we wanted to share this fun experience and inspire others into coding. We hope you enjoy this as much as we do.

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The Button Friends

How we came up with the characters?

We had great fun working out what the characters would look like, what their names would be and what personalities they would have.

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The Button Friends

The Button Friends introduces a new multidisciplinary approach called aesthetic programming to enhance children’s engagement in the fundamentals of programming.

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